We Were Named a Leader in the Aragon Web & Video Conferencing Globe, Again!


Yet again, we are thrilled to be named a leader in the latest Aragon Research Web & Video Conferencing Globe. This is the sixth Aragon report that looks at the web and video conferencing market, and the sixth consecutive year products from LogMeIn were named a leader! The report, which examines the web and video conferencing solutions of 20 major providers, is a market evaluation tool that graphically depicts Aragon Research’s assessment of a specific market and its component vendors.

LogMeIn’s Communications & Collaboration portfolio of products has been named a Leader, which Aragon defines as providers with comprehensive strategies that align with industry direction and market demand, and perform effectively against those strategies. Aragon’s Globe report highlights that LogMeIn has ranked as a Leader due to strengths such as “ease of use” and new to this year’s Globe, “automation of meeting scheduling,” among other strengths.

The Aragon Research Globe looks beyond size and market share, and instead uses those as comparative factors in evaluating providers’ product-oriented capabilities. Positioning in the Aragon Research Globe will reflect how complete a provider’s future strategy is, relative to their performance in fulfilling that strategy in the market and we couldn’t be more excited to be a leader, again! Thanks Aragon!

To read more about our positioning and the web and video conferencing market, check out the full report here!